Wednesday, September 07, 2005

i used to sleep with the blanket tucked under my legs. that was when i am still a child. but thru the years, i've developed this habit of doing so whenever i go to bed. used to have nightmares of someone coming from under my bed to grab my legs. listen, it ain't funny when you're a little kid like that.

hated the movie 'it'. what kind of twisted mind would come up with something like that to scare kids and give them trauma, with the very thing that kids are (generally) attracted to? i'm not a big fan of clowns for one.

i woke up today, still feel the morning chill seeping into my bones. orange coloured clouds againts a bluish grey sky, was the thing that greeted me as i pulled the curtains to the side. things like that still amaze me. they still make me stop and stand in amazement of God.


that's the pronunciation key for my name 'ray' (like that would help a non-reader). last random thought: was walking past a pharmacy opposite rmit just now, a thought came to memory;
i still don't know for sure what bone density is!



At 6:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol! bone density! LOL! - skye :>

At 6:52 PM, Blogger raychuah said...

bone density.. mmmm.... dont knw what the heck it is.. mmmm.... LOL!! :D

At 7:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehhe, it is just bone density, i guess. er, like brittle bones hv less density? errr. hahahah :D - skye

At 9:27 PM, Blogger raychuah said...

tts major revelation! :D we hv got Dr. Skye in da house! hahaha.. dear!


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