Tuesday, November 22, 2005

It is an unspoken rule that one will not have the right to speak into the life of another, unless there is a relationship in between them. However wise and sound the advice, it is almost inappropriate to speak anything that goes beyond superficial if there isn't a relationship present. One would respond (often quietly), why would I need to listen to you, 'cause I don't even know you (and vice versa).

Even Jesus (GOD, Creator, Saviour of the world) recognises the prominence of establishing a platform of relationship before He speaks into the life of another. Think of his people like the disciples, the woman at the well, Mary and Martha, and many others. Jesus often speak of the things in the natural before He launches into the supernatural. He talks about daily things like the businesses people go through, the weather, the things close to their hearts. Even for the strangers whom Jesus did not meet beforehand, He knew He could speak into their lives because they knew Him already. They did not only know Jesus by name, but He knew who He was. And because of that, they instantly became an open door to the miracles Jesus performed. Think of people like the Roman centurion, the woman with the issue of blood, blind Bartimeous. Their revelation of who He is became the vital platform in which Jesus could perform great works.

How wonderful it is, to think that our GOD desires to communicate and have a relationship with us, so much so that He gave His only Son to die so that we could be His children. He desires and treasures that intimacy to the extent of not only inviting us to His house, but to His family. To have us calling Him our Dad.

GOD gave it all so that we could have His all. But none of this could have happened without the relationship that we have with Him the moment we invited Him into our lives.

Thank You, my Lord and my Dad.


At 1:49 PM, Blogger Jeremy said...

Yeap... Yeap... So so true. =)

At 2:46 PM, Blogger raychuah said...

:) u r a major champion, bro! glad we're serving together in urbanlife and church! keep rockin' bro!


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