Thursday, June 01, 2006

It's a fine first day of June today. My body is too used to waking up at 730am nowadays, so I didn't even have to drag myself up, I was up already. Compared to the me of a year ago, this is a miracle! haha, almost lah. As usual, I drove to S k y e's for brekkie, and today she made me this awesome yummylicious brekkie! hehe. We both had toast, roasted tomatoes and very nice scrambled eggs. hehe! I loved the scrambled eggs! It was very sweet of her. Thanks so much, dearie! :) I've taken some pictures of it, but unfortunately I can't post them up until I transfer them to my home lappie. So, in a few blog posts more k?

This weekend my love will be back in Singapore for a short trip, but when next week comes, it'll be mega interesting as this time, our folks will be meeting each other! :D hehe. It'll all be very cool. God has a unique way of organising things and He's good at it! So, can't wait... it's all good, folks.. it's all good.


At 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's all goood *takes deep breath*. heh :) - skye

At 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's all goood *takes deep breath*. heh :) and u r welcome any day, love - skye

At 10:56 AM, Blogger raychuah said...

hehe, its all good, i knw and believe.. LL!


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