Tuesday, July 04, 2006

A silhouette of kites flying high up in the sunset sky. It was a beautiful sight as I traveled back from work yesterday. It reminded me of how many times we’re like those kites. Trying to reach higher and higher. Yet the one who holds the ball of strings know what is best for us, doesn’t he? I remember when you fly a kite, you can’t release the strings to fast, ‘cause sometimes it would break if there is a strong wind. Other times, the kite just won’t fly if you release it too fast. As I looked at the kites, I began to understand in a deeper understanding why God says “Abide in me and apart from Me, you can do nothing.” How true ain’t it? If we are the kite and the One who holds us is God Himself. There is nothing we can do, if we choose to go our own way, we will just fall to the earth miserably. Yet a lot of times, we wrestle with God over control of our lives. How shallow, immature and naïve could we be if we keep thinking that? On the flip side, if you and I let God take control in our lives, we would fly higher and higher into the sky. He promises that He’ll take us from glory to glory, strength to strength. But sometimes, it takes a bit more time. He will release the string more and more as we put our trust in Him and let Him have full control. God know how high we can achieve if only we let God take control.

I'm a man
I'm not a child
A man who sees
The shadow behind your eyes

Did I waste it
Not so much I couldn't taste it
Life should be fragrant
Rooftop to the basement

Who's to say where the wind will take you
Who's to say what it is will break you
I don't know
Which way the wind will blow

- Kite, U2

True, we don’t know where the winds of life will take us to. Blue skies one day, stormy clouds another. Yet our Lord is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. Wait upon the Lord, and you will soar like an eagle. Whichever way the wind blows, God, You be my Navigator.


At 3:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

good stuff there :) - skye

At 3:43 PM, Blogger raychuah said...

thank u, thank u :) haha LL!


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