Hey, my name is E. coli.
I'm a Gram negative bacteria and I'm part of the enterbacteriaceae family.
In my family I am part of tribe I, Escherichieae.
My whole family is oxidase negative.
I live in the bowels.
My uropathic strains are the most common cause of urinary tract infection. For teh win!
Some of my strains have virulence factors, so I can cause diarrhoea.
The diarrhoea can watery or bloody, depending on which strain you have.
How funny, I found a website that lets you adopt a microbe. In each post is a picture of a funny lil dude that tell you what it is, and what it does to your body and how it affects you.
I've adopted this one called E.Coli.
Click here to Adopt A Microbe.
hey, tt's the bacteria tt caused me a tummy upset *takes hammer and whacks e coli!* hehe, sorry, cldn't resist - skye :P
Hah. That one and me are very close friends. *mutter* Heyyy Rayyy!! And Skyyye.
er.. that was.. Ags.
heh. i was wondering who incognito is... a bit hard to identify an incognito. welcome back, aggie :) - skye
Heyyyy Agnes!!!! :D
*e.coli got flattened and his kidney-shaped balloons popped* :( poor, e.coli...
And gosh how good it is to be baaack. *stretch*
welcome backkk then! :D glad to see u pop by around here. any dates on when u gonna come back to warm, humid 'ol msia? :D hah!
Hahaha. More heading up to America before back to M'sia. Unfortunately. When you two coming back here? huh? huh?
back *here*? here as in melb, sigh.. we wish we could be there anytime soon, but looks like we'll be here in this part of the world a lil longer before going down south again :) u however, can come back here in msia soon tho :D so, tts cool.
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